Dancing Queens Behind the Scenes - An Exclusive Interview With Sabrina Strasser

  Reality television programs make headlines every week that can be difficult to keep up with! Page Six's Evan Real and Danny Murphy are here to make it simple with this week's Virtual Reali-Tea! Sabrina Strasser is an ambitious ballroom dancer whose passion for dancing propels her to reach new heights of success - but this obsession comes at the expense of her family. What’s it like to be a part of Dancing Queens? Sabrina is among six amateur dancers who have dedicated both time and money to competing in Pro-Am ballroom dance competitions in New York City. Alongside Colette Marotto, Donie Burch, Gaelle Benchetrit Leonie Biggs Pooja Mehta are spending thousands of dollars each on hair, makeup and outfit costs for themselves as well as covering expenses associated with practicing, traveling and competing. Women juggle multiple demanding responsibilities as mothers, wives, businesswomen and friends while pushing themselves to the brink in pursuit of winning at anything from motherhood and business ownership to ballroom dancing competitions. While they remain composure onstage, behind the scenes they may attempt to undermine opponents or poach pro partners for an edge at victory. Molly Nutley delivers a subtle performance as Dylan, an ex-dancer who finds herself cleaning in an underperforming drag club and draws the eye of its choreographer. Nutley expertly depicts Dylan as she navigates between family obligations and dance career demands without becoming overly dramatic in portrayal. Val Chmerkovskiy and Karina Smirnoff from Dancing with the Stars make cameo appearances, adding some familiar faces from this show's competition and drama. But unlike on TV productions, these amateur dancers compete not only for financial prizes but also their fans' approval; as their passion for dancing grows so does their determination to win! What’s it like to be a part of the cast? Bravo's docuseries Dancing Queens has quickly captured audiences, providing viewers an insider view into the passionate world of ballroom dancing. Following six talented women -- Colette Marotto, Donie Burch, Gaelle Benchetrit Leonie Biggs Pooja Mehta and Sabrina Strasser as they compete to take home the crown - audiences have already fallen under its spell. But dancing studio life isn't all play; these ladies must also manage the demands of personal lives and professional careers outside the show. While trying to hone their craft, these women also deal with personal drama, backstabbing, and more; during season one's premiere one cast member even threatened another contestant's professional partner! Lana Langley knows this firsthand. With her rebellious personality and host of weekly youth TV programs about special events and celebrations in Tula area, Lana can be one of the toughest competitions to work with. Additionally, she serves as an author, businesswoman and reality star - making her one of the toughest competitors to work with! Personal Life for Lana: She and Ronnie Strasser have two beautiful daughters together, whom she and Ronnie are very proud parents to. Lana has also found great success on film with roles such as Martha Marcy May Marlene and Wind River; more recently in Love & Death she stars opposite Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff from Marvel Cinematic Universe) as Candy Montgomery who embarks upon an extramarital affair with Pastor's Wife - Elizabeth Olsen plays her character Candy Montgomery! What’s it like to be a part of the team? Team membership can be rewarding and create lasting friendships, as well as make you more competitive individually as you work alongside others. However, it's important to remember that not everyone will feel at ease working in a team environment - some individuals might prefer working more casually within groups while others may prefer structured leadership teams. Bravo's new reality series Dancing Queens stars Sabrina Strasser and Stanislav Kochergin as stay-at-home mom and former dancer respectively, along with six highly skilled amateur ballroom dancers competing for cash and respect in pro-am ballroom dancing competition. The show follows their journey as they dedicate both time and money towards their passion while fulfilling all their responsibilities as mothers, wives, businesswomen and friends simultaneously. Studies show that teams are superior in solving problems, meeting deadlines and relieving stress than any one person working alone can do. Teams are an integral component of any organization - be it a bakery, police station, school or large corporation. While not necessary for every job, most require some form of teamwork - the most successful teams being those that provide mutual support and encourage each other toward reaching the desired results and performing more effectively within their roles. What’s it like to be a part of the competition? Sabrina Strasser demonstrated in the season finale how much family meant to her. Following an ultimatum from her husband about Millennium, she declared if she failed to win she would decrease dancing practice in order to focus more on family matters and focus on keeping up with Millennium. Luckily for her efforts paid off and she earned first place. This episode saw some intense tension between Stas Kochergin and Sabrina as she insisted on leaving Group B due to being nervous of competition and fearful for herself and Stas. Dancing Queens features one of the fiercest female gangs I've ever witnessed: an close-knit group of friends competing to excel in virtues and skills that are valued by their team. Though they support one another, when someone breaks rules or breaks their code it can get pretty heated! That's definitely tough love! What’s it like to be a part of the finals? Ballroom dancing can be an extremely demanding endeavor that not everyone finds the joy in. Over the course of Dancing Queens season 11, viewers witnessed Sabrina struggle to balance competing on Dancing Queens and raising her daughters; eventually her hard work and sacrifice paid off when she won first place at Millennium competitions. Sabrina confronted Leonie Biggs about blindsiding her earlier in the season and battled with Stanislav Kochergin over who should lead rumba dance moves. Watch Dancing Queens every Tuesday at 9/8c and the following day on Peacock to be part of all the drama for yourself! Don't miss new episodes featuring Colette Marotto, Donie Burch, Galle Benchetrit Leonie Biggs Pooja Mehta and more - see you there! What’s it like to be a part of the finale? Recently, some of our favorite shows completed their seasons: Succession made waves with its hearty farewell to family feuding while The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel delivered on its promise of Midge and company's happy reunion. But great finales go beyond mere spectacle - they leave viewers something to mull over even after leaving the theatre. As in the case of Nadia/Marienne's story, Joe wanted to kill Nadia; but she used her art to help Marienne escape - creating an emotionally satisfying finale without needing big spectacle. Another notable scene was the present-day finale, in which the Big Three paid their respects to Beth and discussed their plans moving forward. While Joel's rampage wasn't exactly dramatic or powerful, this moment felt authentic to how their lives might unfold in real life. Even small moments worked beautifully, like Keeley rejecting both Roy and Jamie (so the series can continue as a spinoff) or Coach Beard finally receiving his initial name. These moments make the show feel complete; those are what give its true power: not how it ends, but what happened during. For that we thank the writers and cast for an outstanding job done together; it has been our privilege working alongside such amazing individuals!


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